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Tag: restaurant marketing

How To Increase Customer Loyalty In Restaurants?

From big businesses to small ones, acquiring new clients can be 5–25 times more expensive than retaining existing ones. Plus, 77% of customers who...

Facebook for Restaurant Marketing: 8 Steps to Doing it Right

Facebook is all about connecting with people. Anyone and everyone is now using it to share their daily updates and news. All businesses are...

How to Do SEO for Restaurants for Increased Online Visibility

Digital marketing is taking over every industry these days, including the restaurant business as well. However, social media is not the only factor that...

PR for Restaurants: How To Publicize Your Restaurant

Public Relations or PR is an integral part of restaurant marketing that must never be ignored. PR for restaurants is essential since it helps...

9 Effective Offline Restaurant Marketing Ideas That You Must Try Out...

Attracting new customers and retaining old ones goes hand in hand for a successful restaurant business. With the sheer number of restaurants and food...

“It took us 10 months to find out the right location.”...

Macchiato is an Italian restaurant and bar conceived by Ripu Daman Handa (Master Chef Winner), Alok Tiwari (CEO & MD of Venezia Food &...
Complete Restaurant Management Software by POSist